Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ollie's latest achievement. . .

Tummy time with mummy

Oliver's latest achievement: gaining strength in his neck muscles!! He's no longer floppy head!!

For the past few weeks, Ollie has been working on his neck muscles after his feedings. We would have him spend some tummy time with mommy and for most of the time, he would try to lift up his head to look at mommy and his head would just flop back down after a very brief lift.

However, in he last few days, he would lift his head quite high up and stay up for quite some time. It's so amazing to have him look into mommy's eyes! You can tell how he is absoultely pleased with himself...and mommy and daddy is so proud of his accomplishment!!

Our little baby boy is growing up!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Announcing our new "plus one" bundle of joy . . .

On June 11th at approximately 5:43am, we welcomed our 'plus one' into the world:

Oliver Nicholas Chau arrived via C-section, after a long and uneventful labour. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 oz and 20.5 inches long. With 10 fingers and toes, a massive cone head, a button nose, a perfectly round face and a full head of hair (plus some extra), he won over his mommy and daddy instantly!

Our birth story may not be an ideal one...let just say, mom's water broke before any contractions were in sight, given morphine, induced, given oxytocin, given laughing gas and finally an epidural....but nonetheless we are blessed and beyond smitten with the final results.

It's been a full month plus 4 days since our little Ollie turned our world completely upside down. We are sleep deprived and at times going insane ("Didn't we already feed the baby? I swear we fed him already! Oops, I guess I dreamt we fed him. Oh, it makes sense why he's crying then."), but at the end we wouldn't want to have it any other way!

Our adventure, so far, has been full of many bumps along with lots of accomplishments, love and joy. Ollie quickly recovered from his jaundice; mom is finally starting to get the hang of breast feeding; and dad is determined to make cloth diapers work!

Life with a newborn is unpredictable, but we are looking forward to learning all about him and adjusting to having him be part of our lives.