Sunday, August 2, 2009

We have a crier in the house, everyone!!

Ollie after his bath with daddy

I survived my first week on my own with Ollie. Dar returned to work after taking 6 weeks off and I could not believe how much I depended on him during those first 6 weeks.

Our little guy DOES NOT like to nap during the day! I'm starting to wonder if there was a mix up at the hospital...Dar and I are sleepers and Ollie is not....If you can do the math here, it doesn't add up!

Instead of wanting to sleep in his fancy little crib, he has chosen to sleep on mommy instead. Thank goodness for Mel's little vibrating chair....that's the only other thing he would sleep on. We hope he'll grow up to be a good sleeper, otherwise I'll have to try to return him to the hospital and try to get a refund!

As first time parents, we are constantly wondering, "Is our kid the ONLY ONE that does this?"

1. Ollie is the king of he the only one that suffers with hiccups after almost every feeding?

2. Ollie poops like there's no he the only one that goes through a diaper after every feeding? Although, after he hit 6 weeks, his pooping frequency has dropped...thank goodness! If it weren't for cloth diapers, we would spend our life savings on disposable diapers for him!

3. Ollie has MAJOR gas issues....he burps like a big little teeny tiny baby burps, but BIG and LOUD beer guzzling manly burps!

4. He cries and cries and cries...and for no reason!! We'll feed him, we'll change him, we'll bouncy/swaddle him, we'll burp him, we'll sing to him....and he's STILL crying! I'm no expert here, but I don't think we've been blessed with an easy baby...we got one of those "OMG, he's fussy and a crier!" He has 2 stages to his crying...the whiny whimper with no tears cry and the immediately 'turn beet red' with shooting tears cry. He has also developed the "I'm so freaked" cry where he pops open like a starfish and immediately starts crying.

He's lucky he's such a stunner...if it weren't for his looks, I'm sure we would have returned him by now!

Last week was definitely been the toughest! He constantly needed to eat and was extra extra extra fussy! We think he was going through his 6 week growth spurt (although he was almost 8 weeks old). We, meaning I in particular, very much looked forward for his growth spurt to be over with!
His most favourite time of day is definitely bath time with daddy in the evenings!!
We're very much looking forward to having Ollie sleep through the night. I am beyond envious of those parents who has a 2 month old who can sleep 6-8 hours at night! We are considering putting him through the "Sleep Sense Program" so he can learn to sleep better. I think he FREAKS for no apparent reason is because he's sleep deprived. Dar thinks I'm being impatient, which I'm sure he's partly right....but I miss my sleep.

I thought things will be easier at 2 months, however Dar thinks the tide will turn at 3 months. I hope Dar is right because 2 months will be here in a few days!

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